Friday, August 31, 2012

Body Essentials – Yogurt Can Do That?!

Who would have thought yogurt can be used for hair, skin and your overall body functions? Not me, ask me to eat some yogurt, I’ll tell you, “No thank you, I’d rather not eat spoiled milk.” but cheese is actually worse than yogurt. But that’s for another blog post.

Benefits of Yogurt

  • WOMEN – if you have a yeast infection, you can coat your tampon in yogurt and put in the freezer for 1 hr, then insert tampon for 1 hr and remove. Do this process for twice a day until the infection is gone. Yogurt will kill the bacteria that leads to yeast infections in the first place./I read about douching with yogurt as well or just using castile soap with some tea tree oil. I mentioned this in a previous post.
  • Use PlainYogurt as a face mask by simply spreading the yogurt on your face at the end of a hard day’s work for 20 minutes. The yogurt will work at breaking down the bad bacteria formed on skin throughout the day and will leave you with clean skin after rinsing it off. (If you have allergies, check the ingredients of your yogurt and be careful not to use if you are allergic to any ingredients listed – Better to be safe than sorry)
  • Yogurt can also work on your stomach when feeling nauseous and it can also help you when you have gas.
  • Yogurt can also boost your immune system is 2 servings per day is taken.
  • Use Yogurt to help in making a protein conditioning treatment for your hair.
Ingredients & Steps to making Protein conditioning treatment
Egg Whites, Plain Yogurt
Mix ingredients in bowl. Put mixture all over hair. Put towel in warm water and place warm towel over head for 20-60minutes. Rinse out with luke-warm water. (Hot water dries hair out) Shampoo, rinse and dry as usual.

Who would have thought? Yogurt also helps to curve your appetite, so I guess I’ll be eating more Yogurt, though I don’t care for it, simply because of all the added benefits. I’ll take mine in a nice smoothie to go. Want a few healthy yogurt smoothie ideas? Click the following link:

MMMmm, yummy! These recipes makes me want to Live on Purpose, MuAh & CiAo!

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