Friday, October 12, 2012

Hair Essentials - Hair To Dye For 3

So here are the pics. It kinda sucks that you can't really see the color that well.Charge it to my camera and not the actual dye. I might have to get someone else to take pics or take pictures outside. Either way, here's the prepared style.

Buuuuuuuuuut, I have a big forehead so I couldn't keep it this way as cute and as protective as the style was, so I took the twists out last night and combed them through. I added hair to the front and back of it, but ended up taking out half of the hair i added because I didn't want an overdone look. I could have not used any hair at all, but my hair was styled while it was wet (shrinkage occurred) and I didn't want to blow dry the hair for a puffier look. TEASING HAIR is just not an option for me. Here are the results.

Style before I took out the additional hair

The first pictures, you can see the color more than the second set. Probably because of where I took the pictures. At any rate, you get the idea. I'm going back to get the ends of my hair colored so that it's similar to the roots of my hair. I'm really excited about the color. It took a small bit for me to get accustomed to the color because it has been soooo black for so long. I love my natural color, black, and i love the natural method I used to achieve the color I have now. My hair still feels healthy and nice, so the development of the color has not affected my hair that I can see. After a couple more weeks and washes, we'll see if I still feel the same.

Here's to being red and loving it! Live on Purpose, MuAh & CiAo! :-)

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