Friday, March 28, 2014

For The Record Friday

Listen! What is the deal with these body wipe cloths that are in the market for use after a workout? Most gyms have showers, right? So, why not just take a shower? The time it takes to use one of those wipes to wipe the sweat off your skin, you could have at the very least rinsed off in the shower.

I mean, they come up with everything! What do you all think about these wipes? I am NOT a fan! I mean would you wet wipe your hair when it needs to be washed? (but I've digressed) I know how sweaty I am after a workout. I can't imagine. Yay or nay to wipes..are we wiping our sweat and going to the grocery store or to church or to a meeting or going shopping. OMG, going shopping! do you think people use the wipes and then go clothes shopping and try on the clothing?! Just that thought alone is way too much. What are your thoughts? To body wipe or not to body wipe?

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