Monday, May 05, 2014

Health and Fitness

It has been a minute since I've posted on the blog, but I read this article this morning that just made so much sense to me. I found myself doing a lot of ab workouts and I could feel my abs tightening UNDER my semi-muffin top.

Granted I know through aerobics I can lose the weight, but I was losing weight all over my body in other areas and I didn't want that...I just wanted to have targeted weight loss. I'm beginning to realize that that may not happen as I usually don't begin losing fat from my tummy first. I usually lose weight from my legs  and breasts first. Which I think is horrible because my boobs are almost non-existent as is.

However, it's all in the name of health. Read these 10 ways to trim belly fat in This article by Men's Magazine. Share your thoughts! MuAh and Ciao!

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