Friday, June 13, 2014

For The Record Friday - Monika

“Thank you so much for allowing me the opportunity to be featured on your blog!  I have been following your growth from the beginning stages and I am so impressed by the growth and success you are experiencing!  I pray that this continues to grow!” Mo Fit.

This lady is such an inspiration to me. Not only is she a sweet and kind person, but she’s a great mother of two (mother of one my church little sisters, sometimes two, lol) and a loving wife. Plus she’s gorg! Find out more about this mom. (Part I of the Interview: Follow next For the Record Friday’s post for Part II of the Interview)

Not certain if this is Monika, but this is her current FB profile pic and I love this shot!

I interviewed this special lady to find out just how she gets everything done in the same 24 hours that we are given each day. Here were her responses:

1.)  Of the questions that you asked during this interview, the one that stood out to me the most would be, "how do you have time to do all of this?".  I actually laughed at this, because quite frankly, I have no idea! When you do what you love with all of your heart, everything just tends to magically fall into place.  However, a few things that I must do are keep calendar appointments.  I set reminders to update weekly, color code, and try and plan ahead as much as possible.  Each person in our family of 4, even our 6 year old, has a full time schedule, so there are always a lot of moving parts.  Organization is absolutely critical.  I try and plan out every detail of my life as much as possible, knowing that there will be some changes along the way.  At least I get more accomplished when I have a schedule.  Living healthy is most certainly a choice.  I choose to live this way because I perform at my fullest potential when I do.  Hard to do that when you are making poor life choices.  It is not easy, but it is worth it.”

2.)  “There are so many reasons behind why I choose to live this healthy lifestyle.  My most important reason, however, would have to be my children.  I want them to grow into beautiful young ladies; able to make wise choices and decisions.  I want them to know that their health is of the utmost importance.  If I can show them the power in controlling their appetite, and maintaining an exercise routine, they will learn how to stay disciplined and keep fighting even when they are exhausted, until the finish.  This character trait will carry into every aspect of their lives.  Another reason for starting this lifestyle is that I just saw such a shortage in our community regarding the benefits of eating and living healthy.  Eating healthy and exercise can and has been proven to cure a wide range of common disease.  I am particularly interested, however, in how the effects of living a healthy life can either tame of even cure some mental diseases.  Depression, among other mental illness can be controlled with healthy life choices. My goal is to continue my research on how to develop a plan to help fight mental illness with positive health choices, similar to the way Michelle Obama fights childhood obesity.  A huge goal, I know, but I dream big!”

On The Set...Go MoFit!

If anyone would like to reach out to Monika, please email her at, or you can send her a message on FaceBook.

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