Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Skin Essentials - Skin Tags and How To Get Rid of Them

I've always seen these things, but didn't know what they were called. Skin Tags..they are an overgrowth of skin that usually occurs in women. They run in families or women may see an increase in them when they are pregnant (progesteron and estrogen may produce their growth). This growth is usually not cancerous and can be easily removed by freezing or burning it off or a quick snip with surgical scissors. It's as painful as a mosquito bite and can be removed within minutes and heals within 24 hours.

I know of one person who removed their skin tag by tying it with thread...The skin tag fell off after a few days. It just seems to random to me to get skin tags. If it's not one thing with skin, it's the next. At any rate, there is nothing medically scary about skin tags since they are so common, however, if you do want to get them removed, schedule an appt with your dermatologist and get it done.

In case you don't know what a skin tag looks like, here's a pic.

So i'm closing this box now because it sort of crawls my blood, sorry to say. Alright now, have a wonderful Tuesday! :-) MuAh & CiAo!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:57 AM

    The most painful moment in skin tags is when you unknowingly pierce it! Hurts like hell! :( Nice post! :D
    Laser vein treatment Miami
