Thursday, January 15, 2015

Hmmm, How often should you wash your bra and your skin?

The first part of this post was taken directly off the following website:

" I love Who, What, Wear...but I thought this was good fyi...

How often should you wash your bra? To be honest, we had no idea. (Once a week? Once a month? Once in a while?) Because we figured this was something we definitely should know, we asked the experts over at custom online bra shop True&Co for their advice. Here’s what they had to say:
“Less than you might think. Over-washing can lead to fiber breakdown, loss of elasticity, and faster wear and tear. Generally, a bra can go 4 to 5 wears before washing, but this timeframe is, of course, subject to climate, sweating, odor, and other factors. So, essentially, the best gauge we can recommend is that if it smells good, it's all good.” "

AND the boo sent me this article am:

This article is a little longer, so I'll summarize. You may or may not have heard about the actress, that made a comment about not needing to take showers everyday. she later stated that she was joking, but yahoo health decided to determine if you really do need to take a shower every day. The simple answer is No. It reported that people generally take 1-2 showers a day, but a shower can be taken once every 3 days depending on a person's daily activity and of course body odor. The article mentioned that our bodies have natural oils to keep skin moistened and healthy and excessive showering removes those natural oils. It goes on to say that bar soaps tend to strip away these oils and damage skin more than body gels and also recommended to take 7 minutes showers in warm water as the heat from the water can also damage skin.

With all that said, of course my thought if don't take daily showers and i wear a bra 3 times on day number 3 that I need to take a shower, and let's say i have no body odor, is that cool? LOL Well, I'm being silly, but I'm just saying at the end of the day, that everyone's body is different and there are no set rules for how a variety of things would work for you. So take care of your skin, hair and nails the best way you know how as you would know best when you need to take a shower, wash your hair and clip your nails. Of course doing these things should not be a chore. They should be effortless.

Also, I have a bit of bad news. As much as I enjoy blogging and sharing tips about my hair, realistically, I probably won't have time to make as many posts or create new videos, but just wanted to give my readers a heads up for the recent low of blog posts. thanks for understanding and please continue to support my blog and leave your comments. MuAh & CiAo.

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