Thursday, June 21, 2012

Hair Essentials - Regular Hair day

Today is such a regular hair day. I took my updo style out finally because my hair was crying to be washed. I got my hair scratched and then I just left it alone all day yesterday. This am I washed it. My hair was very excited about being cleaned. I dried it out with my hair dryer half way by sections and braided-twisted each section. Then I put my beanie over it. Lucky for me, I can wear beanies to work #winning. I just want my hair to relax  for a bit.

Word of advice....
*Guys love hair they can play in, so twist-outs, twists, FROs that you don't mind your man/or whatever he may be) playing in is nice for them. or even nice curls and roller sets. They love it*

Make your hair playable....hmmm, i'm going to do that, make my hair playable. :-D
Live in purpose people. MuAh & CiAo!

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