Monday, August 06, 2012

Body Essentials - Uses of Ginger

As I sip my now cold ginger tea, I feel so comforted. I can think of many a times I have used ginger to ease my stomach from food or hunger pangs down to cramping. Ginger tea has definitely helped. Today's tea is from Panera Bread, the Republic of Teas Ginger and Peach I believe. It was so amazing while it was hot. Obviously I got full, but that doesn't mean the tea has to go to waste.

At any case, I decided to see what else Ginger helps and its effects, if there are any. Here's some interesting Facts about Ginger:

Fact 1: Ginger is known to reduce inflmmation in blood vessels which helps to alleviate pain from menstrual cramps, headaches and other pain throughout the body.

Fact 2: Ginger can treat stomach flus and stomach sickness, also helps with treating morning sickness

Fact 3: Ginger helps to relieve heart burn

Fact 4: Ginger helps with motion sickness (I experience motion sickness and it def helped me on my drive this am)

Fact 5: Ginger is said to cause heart burn, diarrhea, and upset stomach if taken in large doses, however, if taken in pill form, it may not be harmful on the body

So, we see here how ginger is useful. There are many forms of Ginger: Ginger capsule, Ginger candies, Ginger tea, Ginger drinks (Ginger Beer) as they call it in the Virgin Islands. Drink up! It:'s a great palette cleanser as well. Let me finish my tea.

That's all for now. MuAh & CiAo!

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