Friday, August 10, 2012

Check-in on Hair and Skin

So, if you've been following my blog, you know I have been trying to do a couple things. One with my hair and the other with my skin. I started using the African Shea Butter on my skin every morning after I shower on marks and blemishes. I'm finding that I usually wear clothing that cover up my legs, so I'll do updates on the blemishes on my arms instead of on my legs. One of the marks, you cna barely see and the other mark was more fresh and is now smooth verses there being a slight raise in the skin. This is the end of week 2 using the African Shea Butter. See pic below:

As for my hair, this is day Day 22 of my hair being in these twists. I plan to wear the twists out tomorrow and possibly over the weekend, then I'm going to rock the twists for one more week. It's been SO, SO, SO hard to keep my hair in these twists and not touch my hair. In the process, I have gotten alot of strinkage, but the time this hair style has saved is amazing. I cannot wait to wash my hair. One more week to go. See pic below:

I also did two strand twists with weave and another braided updo this past Sunday, but forgot to take pics of both styles in my hurry. Hopefully, I can get a pic of the twists at least and post to the blog. I do another style tonight. I'll try my hardest to remember to take a pic. I also have to give you an update on this product that I found the other day while parousing through the beauty section of Target. So stay tuned! MuAh & CiAo!

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