Monday, August 13, 2012

Hair Essentials - Twist Outs

So, I usually don't like wearing twists out because my hair gets drier faster and it takes forever to secure my hair in the evening if I'm trying to retwist my entire head. BUT i really do love rocking my twist out fro. So, I finally took my twists out and wore it out all weekend. I kept it moisturized by taking my shower with my hair uncovered to obtain moisture from the humidity, putting the plastic shower cap on my hair so my hair could take in the moisture for 15 mins, then took the cap off and oiled my hair from root to tip. This kept it looking pretty great all weekend and up to today.

This is how my hair looked right after playing fball, followed by pics taken later on that evening. I'm happy with the results and I'm going to use the conditioning moisture in my hair, followed by a nice wash (not using AphoGee this time) and then going to wash it all out and do another cute fro style for the weekend and upcoming wedding this Sunday.

Hope you enjoyed the pictures! Have a wonderful day. Don't forget to Live on Purpose! MuAh & CiAo!

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