Friday, September 14, 2012

Body Essentials - Hair and Skin Check-In

So, here's an update of me hair length. I have shrinkage seeing as though my hair has been styled like this for about 10 days and I have been showering with solely my satin cap. Not worried about that, I am hoping I can grow back the inch or so I cut off when I did my last trim/cut. Cutting my hair when it is wet isn't the greatest idea, I've found with experience. I'll have to do another post on that, or perhaps edit the post. Anyhoo, here are the pics: (do u notice much of a difference?)

I guess in my next check, I should have the 1st pic of my skin blemishes next to the most current pic. With shrinkage, you can't really tell the length of my hair. Either way, we'll see. I'll hv to press it this winter to check on length. Welp, got to run, MuAh & CiAo!

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