Monday, September 17, 2012

Hair & Skin Essentials - Benefits of Using A Steamer

Benefits of Using A Steamer

FYI, this is going to be a long post, but a very beneficial one. In this past, I have discussed the benefits of using a steamer in natural hair. It has got me into thinking about getting a steamer myself, especially with the winter season about to start. I experience a lot of growth during the winter season mainly because I keep my hair pressed and I can oil it, secure the ends at nights and it’s more manageable. However, I do not know how much pressing I’m going to do be doing this winter. Anyhoo, here’s what I found

Benefits of Steam Therapy

Treats dandruff because it helps deals with adding moisture to the scalp which decreases dry scalp flakes.

“Open blocked scalps pores & hair are free to grow: If the pores are clogged, hair follicles will not be able to grow. Steaming allows the scalp to cleanse, purify and release toxins. Steaming helps unclogging your pores and giving hair the maximum chance of re-growing fast.

Better & deeper penetration of ointments: Because the steams opens up pores, any scalp ointment (water soluble) application after steam treatment aids better results and is highly beneficial for those going for hair-regrowth treatment. The steam will help in opening up the pores and will encourage the formulation to go deeper into the skin.

Shiny scalp skin becomes normal: Steaming scalp not only remove the plaque and clear the pores, it also causes increased collagen production and blood flow in the scalp, hence, shiny skin start getting normal. This is a very important first step for the vast majority of hair loss sufferers. And even if you don’t have a noticeably shiny scalp, you can see how steaming would still be highly beneficial.

Improve elasticity of the hair: This is the ability of the hair strand to be stretched without breaking. If the hair has no elasticity, it is easy to break and split. Steam helps to resolve this.

Controls sebum production: Human skin naturally secretes an oil called ’sebum’ via the sebaceous gland. Excessive sebum damage baby hair thus affecting re-cycling of hair. (Want to know more about sebum? Follow that link)

Healthy Cuticle: The hair cuticle is a thin outer layer of the hair. After the Steam Treatment, the hydrated hair strand will cause the hair to be silky smooth, shiny and have body and not lay limp.(Remember the post about the cuticle’s ability to absorb moisture named Hair porosity? Read that for additional information on hair cuticles and how to determine what type of cuticle you have and what type of hair regimen is good for that type in order to develop normal and healthy cuticles”

***I added a few things here or there, but for the most part, this information came from this website ***

Hair care starts from the roots ALL the way to the tips. Every single part of your hair needs special care for length retention and just overall care for a better you. Best of all, steaming isn’t just for African American hair, it’s for all hair types that have drying hair, loss of hair and conditioning problematic hair.

To a healthier head of hair! Also read Best Steamer For Hair Post soon to come!
Live on Purpose. MuAh & CiAo!

Update 2/4/2014: I got a steamer and am eager to use it!
I will talk about this product this month. 
Stay Tuned!