Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Hair Essentials - Why do I get knots in my hair?!

Here's the deal. I get these tiny knots in my hair, usually at the end of the hair shaft. They are also known as fairy knots because they are single strand knots that seem to get tied up by little fairies who apparently have nothing else better to do than to tie your single strands into knots. As we know, fairies don't exist.

Often times these knots are found when your hair is air-dryed. I know air drying is said to be good and then said to be bad, it can be difficult to determine what's best for your hair. Preferably, I have found that  drying hair under a hooded dryer is the best, followed by using a blow dryer that's not in close proximity of the hair shaft where cool shots are used to give relief to the hair (of course using a  heat protectant as well)....hmmm, this is too much for this post. I’ll have to make another post about drying hair.

Back to these fairy knots. I used to get these knots a lot due to air drying and allowing my hair to get matted and not covering it with a silk scarf, etc. I also found that knots can be due to lack of protein in the hair. See my post of protein conditioning treatment to increase protein in hair and also adding more protein to your diet is beneficial as well. Now, i get less of these knots, but when I get them it's due to HIH (hand in hair) issues more than anything else. When my hair is in twists, myself and other people can't help but to play in them. Soooo, because my hair is very curly (I have type 3c & 4a hair) my curls are very circular and if it's played with, it can get tangled. Granted knots are not only on hair that is damaged, it can occur on healthy hair, so don't believe for a moment that because you have these knots that you have a full head of unhealthy hair. NOT TRUE.

The only way to get rid of these knots is to cut above the knot with sharp hair shears. Sucks because you lose length you work on, but find and destroy with knots just as you would with searching and destroying split ends. That way you won't lose length all over your hair. And if you don't usually wear your hair pressed, all your hair would still look even when worn in twists/twist outs, etc. the joy of natural hair. :-)

Well, I'll leave you to searching and destroying. I'll attempt to not have as much HIH, but *shrug* who am I kidding, it's comforting to play in my twists...perhaps I should pin them up. SIGH, I’ll do that tomorrow I

Keep your length and Live on Purpose! MuAh & CiAo!

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