Monday, September 10, 2012

Body Essentials - Lower Cholesterol Naturally

Ever go to the doctor and are surprised that you have high blood pressure because you maintain a regular diet? Hmmm, ask yourself, what is regular? Does your regular diet consist of pizza, burgers, fried foods, and sugary foods? Well, that could be why your "regular diet" has led to high cholesterol.

In fact, many *clears throat* black people we are very heavy handed when seasoning food, often times putting in extra ingredients where it is not needed thus leading to high cholesterol.

Ways to reduce cholesterol without pill-popping:

1, EXERCISE!!! A brisk walk in the neighborhood, playing Frisbee with your dog, looking after a very active 2 yrs old can be exercise enough if done daily. Kickboxing, dancing, and jogging are also easily enjoyable activities/exercises that can be done daily to help lower cholesterol.

2. Consume more fiber! Put down the snickers bar (I'm talk to myself) and pick up an apple, oats, barley and other soluble fibers. At least 3 grams will definitely do the trick. Citrus fruits, black beans (plain), sweet potatoes, turnips and flaxseed are all good sources of fiber as well. Grab some oatmeal and sprinkle with some wheat germ and flaxseed. Your body will love you for it!

3. Losing Weight also helps in reducing your is better to lose weight gradually and healthy. I can discuss more about that in another blog post. If you are already a healthy weight, maintain your weight and continue eating and exercising right. Carry a bagged healthy lunch instead of eating take-out. You will save money now and later by avoiding other health problems.

4. Focus on eating good fats. What are good fats, avocado, fish and even peanutbutter. The thing is that a lot of these very foods are high in calories, so don't overdo it here.

5. Drink red wine. If you don't drink, and don't use this as an excuse to begin, but drinking green teas and grape juice can provide you with a similar amount of antioxidant compounds that are helpful to reducing bad cholesterol and increasing good cholesterol.

6. If you're a smoker, quit. Yes, smoking isn't beneficial to lowering cholesterol and it can lead to heart disease as research suggests.

These are just a few things, but this is a great place to start. Everyone needs to be a healthier you, starting today. So, Live on Purpose, MuAh & CiAo!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:17 PM

    As you all know that cholesterol is not good for our heart and body as well. So trying out natural things to lower cholesterol will be appreciable. You can use more fibers, do exercise regularly, quitting smoking will be good for you.
    Natural Remedies For High Blood Pressure
