Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Skin Essentials - Effects of Waxing on the Skin

Allergic Reaction to Waxing

My girlfriend called me this am and told me she had a reaction. She was chuckling as she described the bumps and marks she got on her face from waxing the other day. We spoke about it being an allergic reaction. I haven’t experienced a reaction to waxing yet, even when I wax at home, but I know a couple people who have complained about having welts, bumps and marks on their face after waxing. Having a red face isn’t cute, looking like you put blush on your forehead. So, I did some research.

Apparently, a lot of women experience this. Some remedial options found were:

1. Using hard wax. This type of wax is free of PINE RESIN and this ingredient may be causing you to have an allergic reaction
2. Use Vitamin E oil on skin before and after getting waxed
3. Ask beautician to use wax for sensitive skin
4. I’m not a fan on Benadryl, but people have used this to deal with the allergic rxn. I don’t do over the counter drugs, but I wanted to share what have worked for others.
5. Get your eyebrows threaded. I have seen people get burned from threading, but not always. Threading lasts just as long, if not longer and it looks good and is cost efficient. Hopefully, something works.

This is all I have for now. I'll keep looking and see what else I could find. Tell me if you have anything that works for you. Thanks in advance! MuAh & CiAo!

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