Monday, October 22, 2012

Body Essentials - Skinny Jeans on Men and It's Effects

In a survey of 2,000 British men, conducted for the company TENA, one in 10 said they had experienced unpleasant side effects from wearing tight jeans. The company is hoping to highlight the dangers of squeezing yourself into skinny jeans.
Forty percent of the men admitted that they sometimes sacrifice comfort for style. One in four also said they wore tight jeans regularly “to show I can still fit in them” and “because they look good.”
The risks of suffering for the sake of fashion are numerous. Skinny jeans have been linked to low sperm count and fungal infections. In addition, one-quarter of the men experienced a bladder problem, and one-fifth had a twisted testicle due to the skinny jeans.
Without room to move in the jeans, the spermatic cord that holds the testicles in place can twist around the testicle—testicular torsion—and cut off its blood supply. This condition requires immediate surgery to avoid permanent damage or removal of the testicle.
To steer clear of dangerous fashion complications, “make sure you leave plenty of room around the groin area and that your pants and trousers feel comfortable so you're not being restricted in any way," medical expert Dr. Hilary Jones told The Telegraph."

This is an expert from a magazine I read and wanted to share it with the men in this world. Some of you guys came from baggy jeans to now tight jeans. There is a happy medium folks and granted most of you guys DO NOT LOOK GOOD with skinny jeans. I'm just saying...but i'm only one person and that's just my opinion.

Just as is creates problems for women when they wear super tight clothing all the time, it also affects men. I don't even know how you guys can be comfortable wearing all that stuff.

With winter setting in, we all, we meaning men and women, tend to wear lots of clothing and sometimes alot of restrictive clothing. Let's be mindful of this and allow ourselves to dress in a way that's comfortable and fashionable. There's happiness in both those things. Live on Purpose! MuAh & CiAo!

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