Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Hair Essentials - Oils Used to Regrow Hair

grow hair, strengthen hair, rosemary oil

Of course I was talking to the boo about hair oils and trying this product he gave me to help revitalize the scalp to promote hair growth...In this conversation and more research, I found some information that I want to share with you all. Contrary to petroleum and mineral oil, jojoba oil, olive oil, sunflower oil, Shea butter and coconut oil are better able to penetrate the hair, rather than sit on the surface of scalp...which for most of us leads to build up. In my case, coconut oil is not amazingly great in my scalp because it can be clogging since I have low porosity hair, it is best to use a small amount in a mixture of oils to avoid the clogging of my hair follicles. I have not used Shea butter as a stand along product in my hair, nor have I used sunflower oil, but I would like to try. Thus far, I have used jojoba oil, olive oil and Jamaican castor oil and have found that these oils work well in sealing moisture in my hair.

Keeping my hair moisturized is such a daily task, but I would really like to try an at-home oil treatment in my hair.  I found this for those of you who use virgin coconut oil and it's a product that works with your hair. Use this and let me know how it goes. I have found honey has been such a great ingredient to have in my home. Between tea and moisturizing treatments at home, I'm almost all out!

There are numerous claims today of products that can grow hair. For those suffering from hair loss problems, these products, although expensive, seem tempting. With a little information, you can find natural products that are less expensive and have a better success rate. Familiarize yourself with the different oils and their uses. The key to success with oils in hair growth is persistence. It may take up to seven months to see results, so don't give up too soon.

Rosemary Oil

Rosemary oil is often used in shampoo. Rosemary has the ability to stimulate the hair follicles, which results in hair growth. Rosemary helps hair grow not only longer, but stronger.

Read more: Hair Growth Oils
For an at-home oil treatment, add honey and virgin coconut oil to your regular conditioner. Work it into your hair and let it sit for 10 minutes, then rinse.

For me, I'm still trying to find a list of oils that I think would work best in my hair. I have already found a recipe for an at home conditioning treatment, now to find a hot-oil treatment. I remember getting them done at home, but I can't recall what my mother used. Guess I'm making a phone call later. I'll share what I found out and also attach pictures from a recent style I did in a gf's of mine, who CLAIMS she has thing hair. SMH. More to come. Until then, live on purpose! MuAh & CiAo!