Monday, October 29, 2012

Hair Essentials - Natural Remedies for Growing Hair

So, I was doing the math and figured out that my hair grows slowly generally after it has reached a certain length. It can take me a year for my hair to grow out 4 inches, but after a year, that's it. It's like it's reached this imaginary point or ceiling for growth and then it struggles to grow further and even struggle to retain the growth it has. Of course, story of my life. But, I do want to grow bra strap length hair. I don't think I've ever actually gotten to that point, because I get annoyed with my hair when I wear it down and it gets trapped between my back and a chair making my hair tug when I try turning my hair quickly. It's quite annoying for anyone who knows what i'm referring to. At any rate, I haven't had bra strap length hair...don't think I've ever really tried.

I guess, this is me telling you that this is now my goal and I will earnestly try to NOT cute my hair off at some given point. I'll try at least until 2014. We'll see what happens. So 2 yrs should be more than enough time for it to grow 8 inches, if it can grow 4 inches in a yr....sounds about right. 

Anyhoo, now to get to the nitty gritty.

Natural Hair Remedies for Growing Hair

1. Nettle leaves or Raspberry leaves made into strong tea and used as a final rinse for growth and body
2. Boil a quart of water and mix 2 heaping tablespoons of whole seasalt. Let cool. Rub a small amount into scalp daily, preferably after shampooing.
3. Dilute 1/2 oz. of pearl ash and 4oz of onion juice with 1 pint of water. Massage a small amount into scalp daily.
4. Squeeze onion with garlic press to get juice and put in scalp at night. Wear a night cap or curler bonnet...satin. Shampoo in the morning and use apple cidar vinegar in the water for the last rinse.

Guess i'm getting onions and raspberry leaves when I go grocery shopping again....(I'd go ahead and assume that drinking raspberry tea isn't the same.)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Have you considered trying Hair Essentials by Natural Wellbeing? It has proven successful for many!

    It works wonders not only to stop hair loss/shedding, but to promote healthier, faster-growing hair!
