Monday, October 08, 2012

Hair Essentials - Hair To Dye For 2

So, I do plan on posting pics of my do, but I'm waiting to present the full style idea I wanted to do prior to posting the pics. Sometimes, some do's are prepped before it can be presented as a full style. Sort of like twist-outs, where the twists is the prepped do and unravelling the twists are the style. When the full style is done, I will show pics of both the prepped and full style idea. You can wear styles in prepped looks for awhile in order to lengthen the time of having one do vs having to do your hair over and over and over again every day or every few days.

What I wanted to discuss today is the dye. I wanted to dye my hair because after my last dye grew out, I realized how black my hair was, which I thought was pretty cute. But I wanted a change, so I figured, let's dye it again. However, many dyes are full of chemicals that not only changes the color of the hair, but can affect the texture of my hair as well. I wanted to use Henna, but I also wanted to see what else was out there.

So in speaking with Sheryce Watson of Generations Hair Design, I found that they had a way to dye my hair without the use of ammonia. It would take longer for the color to take, but at least I won't have to use Ammonia. This dye is called Organic

The article includes the various reasons for using ammonia-free dyes, but I wanted to trust a stylist with this. Granted, I have dyed my hair on my own several times without any effects, but since I am trying to use less/no chemicals in the treatment of my skin and hair, I figured this Organic Color System is for me. I like my color, I may want to go a bit more red on the top, but overall, I'm satisfied with the results. My style is also a great protective style and I cannot wait to share pics. Until then, this is just some good information to mull over if you ever feel the need to change the color of your hair and still be natural and guilt-free.

Live on Purpose! MuAh & CiAo!

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