Friday, October 05, 2012

Hair Essentials - Hair to Dye For

Sooo, this is going to be a short post. I'm super excited because I'm supposed to be getting my hair dyed this weekend with this organic treatment. It is ammonia free! Of coruse I'd find something like that or hear about something like that. You guys know my hair is black.  I was almost shocked last winter when all the color grew out and I realized the blackness (darkness) of my hair. I'm thinking of going somewhere in the red family. We'll see what happens! I will post pics ASAP.

Have a safe and fun weekend and to everyone that has Monday off, Booooooooo! Lol, I gotta go to work. :-( But that's cool. I'd be rocking a fresh look hopefully. Until then, live on purpose, MuAh & CiAo!

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