Monday, October 01, 2012

Skin Essentials - Facials! Facials! Facials!

So, after I missed my flight the other day, I went to veg out at a spa. I was truly that pissed. All the stress, hanging around and waiting at the airport, it was the absolute WORST thing ever! SIGH. Well, i decided to get a facial since I hadn't been doing so and I had allowed all these little bumps to get on my face, due to lack of washing my face and drinking little to no water I know, I know. It's terrible. I'm working on the water drinking thing. The Asian lady looks at my face and asks me what I use. In my head I'm thinking, "Lord, what's that product on my top shelf I pull down once every blue moon to wash my face with again?" Sure enough, it's name come to mind and I respond and say,"the Mary Kay facial wash." I was feeling all proud. I used to use NEutrogena and Clinique happy as a toner with some brand of facial moisturizer, but when those products were finished, I never replaced them and only had the Mary Kay facial wash because I attended a session with a consultant I know. SMH. This was sounding bad already in my head. She asked me how often I use it. I said once every two weeks or so :-/ Yea, i know. pretty bad. Honestly, I would rather make my own facial and use that, plus I wipe my make-up off with lotion because it works better *shrug* and I rarely wear make-up anyway so no need for the extra products to wash my face with.

Long story short, she told me that I need to get a skincare regimen going because my skin is nice now, but in order to keep it nice, I need to wash it everyday, in the morning and in the evening and then use a toner and then facial lotion. So, I washed my face this am and followed up with lotion to moisturize and protect against UV light. I don't have any toner....guess i can replace that Clinique Toner today. I did get it from one of my fave places in the St. Thomas. Now that I'm back home, I can get it.

Well, that's all for now. Let me get some bfast in my tummy. I'm starving! MuAh & Ciao!

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