Monday, December 17, 2012

Body Essentials - Combatting the Flu

A couple weekends ago, I decided to go out with no coat. It was in the middle 50's so it wasn't too cold and besides, it wsa just a simple walk from the car to the venue. At any rate, I did that, however, it was drizzling slighly on my head (which was parted into a mohawk style of some sort) and then my chest was out because I didn't hv a scarf around my neck. I thought little of it until Sunday while shopping for christmas presents at Columbia Mall I felt myself getting ill, from losing my appetite to feeling the bug in my throat to feeling my legs become more and more weak with each step. I told my girlfriend, "Girrrrrrl, I do not feel good." to that she said, "Keep walking, you look fine." Before we left the mall, I was dragging my legs behind me, my nose was running and my body was beginning to ache.

Did I go home and take any necessary precautions? Not really. I did stop at the GNC and got two bottles of chewable Vitamin C and started chewing on them. They are delish might I add. You know my issues with swallowing pills.

By Monday morning, I was sent home from work and stayed home until I returned to work on Thursday. I had no energy, I started being able to walk again by Wednesday morning and my body wasn't doing too shabby after I took some Nyquilish medication. (I was forced) After doing so I felt drunk and light headed, probably because I had no food in my body, but at least I could work.

I still have a cough, I can sleep through the night a little better and I'm still being easy on the real food. I did eat alot of real food over this past weekend though...but I had soup this morning and will prob have soup tonight.

Sigh, I am tired. Welp, break's over, back to work. Oh! I won my fantasy football matchup this week in the playoffs. I'm happy I'm playing for 2nd of 1st place now. Either one will be fine by me. I'm just really excited to have gotten this far in my first league. Ha! Anyhoo, MuAh & CiAo and don't forget to Live on Purpose!

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