Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Hair Essentials - Rosemary Oil for hair growth

I FINALLY got some rosemary oil to make this hair growth formula and I was super exctied until I realized that I'm still trying the Wen products for a few more weeks without any additionaluse from other products. WOMP. But when I do try it, I'm hoping the results are great. Rosemary is said to stimulate growth in the hair by stimulating cell division and dilates blood vessels. This stimulates hair follicles that produces new hair growth.

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/75577-rosemary-oil-hair-growth/#ixzz2HQ11UEBu

Whole Foods have a really small portion of rosemary oil for about $5. Keep in mind that rosemary oil has to be diulted in something else like shampoo or conditioner or even with other essentials oils. When I am able to put the treatment into my hair myself, I will let you know what I have tried and then update you with the results a month thereafter.

Until my next post, continue to Live on Purpose in 2013. MuAh & CiAo!

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