Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Hair Essentials - Hair Length test

I finally had the opportunity to press my hair out so I could do a quick length check. Excited about styling my hair in a pressed curly mane for the Our Natural is Beautiful Hair event this coming Sunday. Here are the before pictures in 2012:

March 2012
Oct 2012

Here are the current pics:

October 2013

Quick How to:
 secret product : heat protectant from Carol's Daughter
Blow dry hair, use corioliss flat iron (awesome flat iron for Natural Hair) (see post about Best flat Irons for natural hair) and then I did it in sections both with blow drying and then with flat ironing it. I didn't use any grease until I was through with pressing it out. This press is now about 1wk and a few days old. this Friday will make 2 full weeks. I plan on letting it last me an additional week or so. :-)

Also, in the white shirt, that was taken in May 2013. Apparently, there was a great growth spurt between October 2012 & May 2013 of about 1-1.5 inches, then I gained an additional .5 to one inch from May 2013-October 2013. I did trim my hair a few times in between. I always trim when I press my hair, it's the reason I press my hair. During this press, I did have to do a brush trim and if I see any semblance of a fat strand or a split hair, I cut it off. Happens to the best of us. I can't moisturize my hair as I would like to because my hair SOAKS in moisture and will cause my fresh press to become super poofy. So, I use my Nature's blessing grease and Jane Carter Solutions twist and loc.

So excited about my Natural Hair Event and I plan to wear my pressed hair in a head full of curls. don't forget to RSVP at Our Natural is Beautiful. Come Celebrate with me. MuAh & CiAo!