Friday, October 18, 2013

Hair Essentials - Scalp Maintenance

Splitting the day right down the middle for the most part. I wanted to share some information on scalp maintenance because I am not certain that we will be able to cover this issue at Sunday's free Natural event, Our Natural Is Beautiful. FYI, If you still need to RSVP, do so at Thank you!

Well, let's begin! I know many of you have read in my blog and on other blogs and sites that dieting is important. Let's face it, we do very little to care for our bodies and as a result this shows in our hair. This is extreme but ever notice a person who uses drugs that have luxurious hair? Working with a population of clients who are in their addiction, I have noticed that many of them have patches of hair or broken and severely damaged hair. Every single last one of them. I have not seen someone who I have worked with that has luxurious hair. I bring this up because the vitamins and minerals that we take into our system or not take affects the health of our scalp and therefore our hair. Daily vitamins will do the trick! There are also some hair vitamins that can also be beneficial to hair retention. Biotin, Vitamin E and others help to build and strengthen hair shaft. It also helps a healthy scalp. In this case, think of your scalp as a garden. You don't necessarily put fertilizer to sit on top the dirt to help grow plants, but you have to mix the soil and water the soil. Mixing that needs to take place in order to create a great place for hair growth is through the intake of needed vitamins, minerals and water.

Next, I wanted to touch on the method of greasing our scalp. Do you all grease your face before you leave out? I know there are persons who moisturize their face and wash their face daily. But for the most part our face are typically cleaned. Our pores are free and open to breathe. It's the same with our scalp, when we apply moisture to our hair, we apply from root to tip yes, but no need to lather your scalp with grease, oil and other moisturizers. It's not necessary and it blocks your pores and create dandruff and the appearance of having other scalp issues.

And finally, just like soil or our face, our scalp does not need to have too much heat brought on by hooded dryers or hand held blowdryers. When drying with a blow dryer, dry your hair in the direction leading towards the end of the shaft. This also helps with taking care of out cuticles in the long run and it doesn't put all the head directly on the scalp. Trust, heat on the scalp is not cute! It wuld be difficult to maintain a healthy scalp with all the heat being applied to it. Also, this may not be so relevant now as the weather is changing, but having styles that expose the scalp and being in the extreme heat is also not good for scalp. Let's be thoughtful when putting in protective styles and thoughtful about how we manipulate our hair.

Our Natural is Beautiful! Let's take care of it! MuAh & CiAo! See you all at the event on Sunday. It's in the Mitchellville Plaza, the same plaza where the Food Lion is located off Central Avenue. It's free and you do not want to miss!