Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Natural Hair Regimen

Natural Hair Regimen Video Series is NOW up on youtube!

Also, please follow me on IG @lofanaturalista I am transitioning everything to that IG and continuing to make changes to my blog. It's still a work in progress, but I'm happy with the changes thus far. The following videos are SUPER CRITICAL and also very simple to use on a weekly basis. I have been doing this for months pretty much at this point, however with the weather getting colder and dryer, I am going to put my hair in a protective braided style over the weekend. Similar to the braided style I did in March of this year.  Enjoy the videos and share your regimen with me!

Video 1:  *Before the wash*
Video 2:  *After the wash*
Video 3:  *Quick protective style after stretching*
Video 4:  * How to create that Fro*

My IG has final pictures! Also, I don't mind posting a quick snippet on,
"After the Fro, What Next? "