Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Air Pollutants

The sun is shining bright, the clouds are parted and I'm in a very chipper mood... I'm driving down New York Ave heading into work this morning. Enjoying this chipper mood, I put the windows down and start singing...until I pulled up next to this huge truck and tasted the exhaust in my mouth. DISGUSTING! I quickly hit the power windows button to put all the windows up. I saw another truck ahead of me and thought of all the pollution these vehicles emit into the air...

"Ahhh, city air." is all I could muster.

Needless to say, the singing stopped. Then I thought about how dirty our skin must be when we get home after a full day outside. Where I'm from people say, "You smell like outside." Please don't ask me to describe what outside smells like, but in my opinion, it's similar to saliva, breath, and wet dirt mixed with a little must. (LOL, I know it sounds awful, but I'm telling you this smell does exist!)
Regardless, I wanted to remind everyone that even though you may not pass a truck that emits black clouds of smoke called exhaust, this stuff is very harmful to our bodies. After periods of exhaling such polluted air, it's no wonder when we clean our noses, we find black/brown soot-like looking matter there...Washing your face and your skin overall is a must after being outside, especially in such polluted air. I can't imagine how harmful this is to our hair for women who don't wash their hair daily. Just the thought is again, disgusting. I'm definitely going to wash my hair tomorrow and be certain to use a nice natural scrub on my face to get rid of today's grime as soon as I get home today.

* Daily washing of the skin and body is a must in order to ensure healthy and clean looking skin.*
Now to drink some water and take care of the rest of my health from the inside out. MuAh & CiAo! 
Follow me on IG @lofanaturalista