Thursday, December 26, 2013

A Naturalista's Staycation

My Christmas holiday was really relaxing. The only thing missing was a day at the spa and a kiss from the beau. All that said, I attending a holiday party on Christmas Eve and came home and took pics of how I unwind. YES! My hair is pressed and I trimmed .5-1inch of my hair. I needed a trim like fries need ketchup!

natural hair
Natural Hair

On Christmas day, I woke up feeling refreshed, caught up with friends AND then went to chill by a friend's spot for Christmas dinner and was knocked out after this plate of food. I mean, I was so lethargic from all the food I ate, lol. I enjoyed pigging out. CHEAT DAYS RULE!!!!! Tasha was such a gracious gracious host and Girl, I'm coming back for the rest of that movie. Such a classic movie!

MuAh & CiAo!

Follow me on IG @lofanaturalista