Monday, December 30, 2013

10 Must Have's for the New Year

There are just certain items one MUST have in order to be a naturalista. Keep in mind that these are not listed in order of importance. Click to read more!

1. Gym membership ( OR weight, resistant cords, or be engaged in some physical activity, running/jogging, cardio workouts, Insanity dvd set, SOMETHING) lol and HEALTHY DIET

2. Lip balm (glossy lips aren't sexy when they are chapped, trust) - trick to getting rid of chapped lips in a pinch is using a wet wash cloth and wiping lips until the chapped/dried skin rolls off. If your lips are severely chapped, this may not be the best option for you because it may hurt. This also works best if your lips are moistened. HOWEVER, be sure to moisturize lips with a balm immediately following. Lip gloss doesn't moisturize your lips. Skin has to be moisturized first in order to look plump and healthy. Also, water, but I'll get to that.

3. hand/body lotion (I love Hekalu naturals. It's awesome for normal to dry skin in my opinion) My skin is somewhere in between there. Please don't enter the new year with white knees :-/

4. Cocoa Butter stick for blemished and bruises (I have found that in the short time of 2 wks that cocoa butter has helped in diminishing the look of scars on my skin in a shorter period of time over Shea Butter, though shea butter is awesome for moisturizing dry skin) Use what works for you!

5. Wide tooth comb, small tooth comb, boar brush, and rolling brush. I brush my hair more when I'm doing sculpted styles or pin-ups. The combs I use for EVERY wash. The rolling brush is for pressing your hair

6. ESSENTIAL OILS - the basic oils to have within grasp for me are: vegetable glycerin (skin), Jamaican castor oil (hair), almond oil (hair and skin), rosemary oil (hair), tea tree oil (hair or skin -for my itchy scalp when I attempt to make hairstyles last longer than they should) Mixtures of these products can work to cleaning your scalp of dandruff to hydrating your hair and skin.

7. SCRUNCHIE AND BEANIE...a beanie is an awesome go-to product for covering my hair when I have to run errands but still want to deep condition my hair. It helps me kills two birds with one stone all the time! OR I use it to cover up my hair in the dry cold or dry heat or just to cover my hair if I didn't comb it :-D Just being honest

8. Laughter and prayer because it warms my heart and relieves stress throughout my body

9. Sleep and water because my body is fully rejuvenated when I use both

10. Jane Carter Solutions/Shea Moisture products for washing/conditioning and moisturizing hair. Wen's replenishing cleanser and deep conditioning treatment are awesome products that I'm currently using.

Happy New Years! I will be launching my new website tomorrow. The new address will be I'm excited!!!! Follow me on IG @ lofanaturalista MuAh & CiAo!