Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Happy Birthday to Me!

Retro hairstyle, natural updo, french connection dresses

Finally, I'm able to make the final post about my Birthday weekend. However, before i get to that...In lieu of Martin Luther King Jr's birthday, I just want to pause and reflect on him and announce that there will be a Black History Month contest in honor of Mr. King. There will be more information in future posts which will include details for the contest as well as the prize. This is going to be great!

Meanwhile, I enjoyed my birthday celebrations  and I am so happy that my friends were there to support me me. Every time I think of it, I smile. I think I'm partied out until my 40th birthday or something, if God spares my life. I was so excited, I didn't take a whole bunch of pictures, but I have a few to share. See how more on my birthday party hairstyle.

Here are pics of the front and sides of this quick and easy updo.

easy natural styling, protective styling, fancy hair

I really loved it and got lots of compliment on it too. Not to mention, the beau loved it too And he gave me a really great birthday gift, but that's other news. Maybe next times celebrate a birthday, you can celebrate it with me. What are some hairstyles you have worn for your birthday?

Here are a few tidbits from my final birthday celebrations...

natural hair, natural pin-up, natural updo

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for details on the black history month contest in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. We thank you for all that you have done.....instead of a dream deferred, it was a dream fulfilled...with a few bumps here or there, but we have come a long way. MuAh and CiAo!

Follow me on IG @lofanaturalista

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