Thursday, January 16, 2014

Vegetable Glycerin for Skin?

OH NO!! About a year ago for my birthday, my beau gave me about 10 essential oils. I have pretty much used all of them, but most importantly, the Vegetable Glycerin at 16 fl. oz. is DONE. Di-sas-ter! I have used this oil everyday mixed with my Suave lotion to lotion my body and cure my normal to dry skin, especially during the winter months. I do not want to have dry skin during my birthday month and I am waiting for my beau to replenish my essential oils. Until that happens, I do have avocado oil which can also be used on my skin, as well as almond oil. They are both nice oils for skin....I just prefer the vegetable glycerin for my skin. Either way, I CANNOT have dry skin during my Birthday week, but I was dressed and ready to celebrate my birthday with my cute skirt. No dry skin here! lol

protective styling, professional hair style, natural hair updo, fashion, birthday attire

In other news, I had a blast at my first birthday event. One of my friends showed up wearing like colors :-/ But I had the leopard print sweater so it worked out. My nails were done for the other birthday event I'm having over the weekend, but I realized last night while washing dishes that these nails may not last. thank God I don't have to wash/condition/style my hair until the weekend, but I can't imagine my nails lasting through it all. I will have to purchase an OPI nail polish just to touch it up my nails until my Birthday weekend events.
pretty nail polish, pink nail polish, nail care, manicure, OPI

My posts are getting earlier because I have to leave for my new job early in the morning and don't have access to the computer until COB, but I WILL SURVIVE (singing in my best Tina voice) That's all for now, hope everyone is having a blessed week. Speaking of blessed, I must share the blessing of this new job and how it has helped in alleviating stress from the previous job.

Until then, I love you. Be Naturally Beautiful, ladies! MuAh & CiAo

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