Monday, January 13, 2014

Birthday Nails!

It's my birthday month! 

Whoop, whoop! With my birthday soon approaching, I must have birthday nails! I'm preparation for my birthday, I have to get my nails done. I bought a voucher on amazon local for Molecule Salon in DC in November and this is the perfect opportunity to use it. 

nail care, healthy nails, blog

I paid $30 for the mani/pedi voucher and  I'm so excited about relaxing and getting my nails done after a full day of work tomorrow! However, with all that said,  I wanted to take this opportunity to write about what brand name nail polishes that are good for nails and the harmful ingredients in other nail polishes. Read more...

Formaldehyde is a very harmful chemical said to lead to cancer and also harmful to nail health. In my research I found that some nail polishes have had this harmful chemical in it but it has been removed from particular brand names such as Opi (Yayyyy), Sally Hansen  and Revlon. Granted this is not an exhausted list, but this is awesome news. Nail polish remover contains acetone which dries out nails and should be used infrequently. A suggestion found was twice a month and to remedy chipped nails by repainting instead of removing all of the polish.

Now, many of you may know how to apply nail polish already, but just in case, let me refresh your memory. Nail Polish is applied in 3 coats, usually, but can also be 4 coats. Before the first coat, moisturize hands and nails with skin oil. I usually use Sally Hansen's nail oil. The first coat of paint is clear. It is used to help smooth the nails out and fill in any uneven areas. It also helps in avoiding the yellowing of nails cause by brith colored nail polishes. Next, nails from yellowing from some colored nail polishes. Then after, you apply 1-2 coats of colored paint, then apply another coat of clear polish. Be sure that between each coat that you wait approx 2 minutes to allow for the layer to dry. If you have a fan, that would be perfect in drying your nails between coats. I will definitely post a pic of my nails on my IG @lofanaturalista.

Here comes cute nails!!! I will definitely write more about maintaining healthy nails in coming posts. MuAh & CiAo!

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