Friday, January 31, 2014

Winter Regimen

Have dry damaged hair? Is the winter giving your hair the blues? I made a video last night on Winter Regimen. It’s simple and easy to do. Here are the results. Click at the end of this post for the link to the video plus other tips on how to find the right oils/moisturizer to use on your tresses.

natural hair, twists, updo


This is how I styled my twists. Very simple and yet my hair remains protected from the harsh winter cold.

This is the basic regimen I complete in order to maintain moisture in my hair after a wash. It makes my natural hair more manageable and reduces breakage. Click the video below to see the process I used to protect my hair.

How to find the right oils to use for your sealant? 
Know your hair first. Ask yourself these questions…
Do you have high- medium porosity?
Does your scalp get easily flaky with product use in a 1-3 days?

If you answered yes, try coconut oil (CO) or vegetable glycerin as a sealant for moisturizer.
If you answered no, try jojoba oil, shea butter or castor oil (Jamaican black castor oil - JCO)

Sometimes your hair might fall right in the middle and I would suggest trying both coconut oil or castor oil and see which one allows your hair to feel most moisturized. For me, though my scalp may become flaky easily by using a thick sealant like JCO, I find that the CO and vegetable glycerin are too thin and does not maintain the moisture well for me causing my hair to feel brittle and dry. However, the Shea butter is too thick for my hair and flakes are produced MUCH FASTER. This is why knowing how your hair responds to products helps in deciphering which products are best to try. The best way to take care of your hair is through trial and error. (Side bar: CO works for my type 3C hair I have in the very back of my head)

Do you know your hair type? Do you know your porosity? These are all important when determining what moisturizers will work best for you. I will review this in a future post and I will add hair type and porosity to the blog cloud for easier retrieval of that information. Addition - I created this post in 2012, but the information provided is relevant to porosity - "Hair Essentials - Dry Hair? What is your Porosity?" Check it out!

Be a natural beauty in the winter with moisturized tresses. MuAh & CiAo!
Don’t forget to follow me on @lofanaturalista
Check out my IG@lofanaturalista to see how I continue to transform these twists this week.

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