Monday, March 24, 2014

Treating Dry Skin

My Face is peeling!

 Last week, I’m fixing my hair in the mirror and noticed what I thought was dandruff sitting on my forehead. I brushed it away and continued pinning my Marley Twists, thinking I got to take these out so I can wash my hair…out of the corner of my eye, I saw more dry skin, but thought, maybe I didn’t brush it away properly…I took the time to brush it off, this time making sure the dead skin fell in the sink. Then, I realized, that’s not dandruff at all…my skin is peeling!

I know my body usually peels maybe once yearly in the summer, but I found it odd that my face was peeling now. I stood in the mirror rolling the dry skin away with my finger tips carefully and realized…oh no! If my face is this dry, it’s no wonder my scalp is so dry. I completely forgot to moisturize my Marley twists, but not only that, my face is peeling because the climate is so dry, and it’s drying out my face as well. PLUS, I have not been moisturizing my face as I should to protect my skin.
Maintaining smooth and clear skin is not just for the summer months, but also for the winter months and should not be forgotten. In the future, I will not neglect the moisturizing step in my facial care.
A few other quick tips:
1. Use Aloe Vera Gel on face especially after exposure to sun. Cool Aloe Vera Gel for a very cool and refreshing feeling on skin in addition to protecting skin
2. Opt for hydrating creams and lotions in your day time or night time facial regimen. I use hekalu skin butter (Georgia Peach) for my face and do not experience drying and the product is not too heavy.
3. Use a cool compress to draw heat out of your skin if your skin is heat damaged.
4. (My favorite) Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate
MuAh & CiAo!
Follow me on IG for other quick tips and ideas for hair, nails and skin.

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