Friday, March 21, 2014

For the Record Friday - Washing Marley Twists

Yes, I washed my Marley twists.

For the record Friday has started a little early...since i'm still awake...not quite sure what's going on with my sleep pattern, but apparently, you CAN wash your hair while it's in Marley twist. I decided to do it because 1. I didn't have time to take out all the twist, wash my hair and then retwist it. I have been swamped! But I washed it, conditioned it and did the LOC method on the Marley hair, but did LCO method on my hair and have been retwisting my do in sections. I have about 1/3 of hair left to twist. I will add pics later of the final do and will post pics of the products used. See the video in my previous post about glycerin to see how I created a quick and easy DIYmixture with vegetable glycerin as the liquid in the LOC method. Muah & CiAo! #fortherecordFriday #TGIF *singing* "Safely through another week." Friday night jam at worship.

Pics will be added to my IG @lofanaturalista of final results after washing and then I will update on this post next week.Here's the being effortless!

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