Thursday, April 10, 2014

<<< Want To Get Rid of Belly Fat? >>>


Do you find yourself doing this in the mirror? We all look down and see some ways that we can improve our bodies. Not because we're vain, but it's about temperance and maintaining the bodies we have been given on loan to by God. So how do we get rid of huge bellies? Through exercise and being disciplined about our diets. Remember posts I made regarding meal planning? Well, this is a follow up to those posts. From my experience, I learned that all the extra snacks I added to my meal plan was not helpful and when I did heavy cardio, I lost weight in areas that I was not intending on losing weight. So, then the next question was, how do I get rid of stubborn belly fat without losing the other weight that I like in my almost athletic shape?

I cut back on the extra snacks even though the snacks were healthy for the most part.... AND I had to get up from my desk and do a few lunges and leg lifts during my break.

Mixed Nuts (trail mix without m&m)
Banana cream yogurt
Gummy bears ( from my coworkers)

What's more embarrassing? Getting caught in your office during break doing a few lunges or getting caught with your baby tire almost stomach donut seen because you have gotten too big in the central region of your body for your work top? *shrug* I'd pick Option A for $200.

These simple things help remedy belly fat. Of course, being sick last week limited my movement, but now that I'm on the road to recovery, I have been moving around as much as possible, drinking water and doing short exercises in addition to eating healthy meals like this.

 Now, I need to get rid of my late night dairy craving before bed that I give into once a week or so. Dairy is my kryptonite.

On that note, let me put down this cold stone icecream. I got lots of lifts to do in the am and can only have an apple for snack in addition with my other healthy meals on my meal plan this week. Stay healthy! MuAh & CiAo!

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