Thursday, April 03, 2014

The Good, the Bad and the Glycerin (Part 2)

The Good, the Bad and the Glycerin (Part 2)

As promised, here is part two of Glycerin. I have been searching for negative attributes to having glycerin in your hair and skin products…I was unable to find any. BUT that is a good thing! Glycerin in products may be seen in the Ingredients list as:
glycerol or glycerine
How many of you remember Paula’s choice…the link with the ingredients search? How about glycerin scored as BEST! That’s an awesome score for a product. Read more...

With that said, this glycerin (glycerol, glycerine) mixed with other ingredients in hair and skin products are best because 100% glycerin on the hair and skin, as I mentioned in part 1, will create a sticky mess in hair and can cause blisters and dryness on skin. I found a vegetable glycerin mixture that can be used on the skin as a face scrub:
1 part glycerin
1 part honey
2 parts water
Oats (gradually mixed in until mixture is sticky and thick for facial spread)
Apply this mixture directly on the skin and then rinse clean for awesome results. Research has found that glycerin on skin helps in maturing skin cells. My face is actually not in need of a facial scrub, but this is absolutely on the top of my "Try it" list when I experience dry peeling skin as was experienced last week. Got any ideas of products or DIY mixtures I should try? Respond to this post.
This is all for now. Now that my marley braids are out, stay tuned to see what else I do to my hair.
Follow me @lofanaturalista for more pics and information. MuAh & CiAo!

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