Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Health Benefits of Garlic

As my nose run while I lay in bed, I reached up to grab some tissue and thought, I really can't stand having a runny nose. Then, I remembered a conversation I had with my dad about my mother drinking garlic everyday to build her immune system. Granted, I think that's a bit drastic, but maybe she's on to something. What are the health benefits of garlic?

So I decided to do some research and here's what I found (A lot of the info repeated most of what I found on Reader's Digest so I posted most of their notes here):

1. Antioxidants from garlic builds immune system when cloves are chopped or minced and boiled in water. Guess mom knows best!
2. Antioxidants from Garlic can also be used to remove acne. Just slice one clove and rub directly on acne as a topical treatment.
3. Rub sliced clove on scalp to treat hair loss. High levels of Allicin (also found in onion-i've used onion juice for hair growth) found in garlic has been proven to treat hair loss effectively,
4. Diets high in garlic helps to reduce fat storage which leads to weight loss.
5. Garlic helps heal Psoriasis
6. Got a cold sore? Rub this inflammatory clove to reduce pain and swelling.
7. Going camping? I can attest to this. Mosquitos detest garlic. You can mix garlic, petroleum and oil/un scented lotion and rub mixture on skin to ward off such pests.
8. Create your own natural pesticide to get rid if pests in your home garden by mixing mineral oil, garlic, water and liquid soap in a spray bottle. Spray plants to ward off pests.
9. Rub garlic on fish bait or soak bait in garlic to catch more fish. Apparently, fish like garlic. (Who knew!)

The list goes on and on and on. All sounds good. Let me boil some water and garlic to help with this runny nose now, then I can pop a mint. Cause we all know garlic doesn't have the best smell. Live healthy. MuAh and CiAo!

Follow me @lofanaturalista on IG or livlyhood on twitter.

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