Friday, April 18, 2014

For The Record Friday

Jesus on Cross.jpg

It was not my intention to create For the RecordFriday for Good Friday, but as it would be, it’s perfect because I have always wanted to talk about Good Friday and what it represents. Easter in my experience represents Christ dying on the cross to save us from sin (this act did away with blood sacrifices for sin). Then, Jesus was resurrected to show that He is Lord of Lords and because of His resurrection we are given the opportunity of Salvation.
So, For the Record, Good Friday has nothing to do with eggs, Easter egg hunting and pastel color dresses and the like. Just in case people forgot the true meaning behind Easter, I felt the need to give a refresher on today’s post. Love y’all. Have a Safe and Happy Easter… I’ll be at work helping people.
MuAh & CiAo! Follow me @lofanaturalista

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