Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Inspirational Blog Feature

This Inspiration Blog Feature goes out to the lady behind JuntoALaPlaya, a business venture that provides natural skin care products…Chyla! Now, this lady was one of my “first friends” in Maryland when I moved to this area in 2007. Talk about a random meeting, lol. But ever since, we have remained friends and now I am happy to feature her business Etsy on the blog today.

This Naturalista began mixing products for her locs and then it grew into meeting the needs of family and friends (including colleagues) that have skin sensitivities or severe conditions (mostly undiagnosed) through her natural product. For example, body butter listing was born from a need that a colleague had and so far, that need is being met.  

With her support system mainly consisting of friends and family, she finds them motivating in addition to having time on her hands (due to a lack of a permanent job-by choice might I add) Though there are some cons (eg. Etsy fees including renewal fees of the products), Chyla recognizes that there’s a market of people already looking for the type of product that she offers and payment processing is a breeze!

I’m really excited about her products, having tried a few of them myself. My favorite product of hers is the lips scrub shown above, which I can’t help but lick away, lol. (Yes, the product is edible!) All in all, I can’t wait to try more of her product. I just need to get through my sample. Please support my friend and mixologist, Chyla, by purchasing products at:

A portion of the proceeds from all sales through May 1, 2014 will go towards the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. Help save the tatas

You are sure to enjoy her products as I have. Thanks for letting me feature you, Chyla, and I hope that you will be an inspiration to others looking to create butters and other body care products through the use of natural ingredients. I know she has motivated me to create some of my personal hair mixes and I’m happy with what I’ve mixed and mastered thus far. Be the effortless woman. MuAh & CiAo! Follow me @lofanaturalista

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