Monday, April 14, 2014

Life of This Naturalista - Blog Feature

Today's Inspiration in April Blog Feature goes to this diva, patient teacher and sweet friend, Patrice. Like many transitioners, she did have doubts about returning natural. I remember offering words of encouragement to her, but it was difficult for her to imagine herself with natural hair.When I spoke to her about this feature post she stated, ' I LIVE for versatility and I'm not afraid of change at all. I currently love natural hair and enjoy protective styles while my hair grows.

Yes, she did it! She wore her natural hair in this low cut and I thought it was fresh, sexy and brought out her facial features. Now when I see her rocking her natural look, I see how much of an inspiration she can be and has been to women who are nervous about the BC or transitioning back to natural hair.

I have always said that wearing your natural hair can be an overwhelming experience in today's society especially if you have no experience or little experience working with natural hair. Some people don't even know what their natural hair looks like! I'm so happy that Patrice has begun this journey and the confidence she shows in her various looks really shows how much she does love her natural hair and the versatility she gets with it. Keep rocking it girl, because it's fly.

To all my transitioners, this was some motivation for you. Embrace it and become an effortless woman.

MuAh and CiAo! Follow me on IG @lofanaturalista.

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