Friday, June 20, 2014

For The Record Friday Blog Feature Post - Monika!

For those of you who have been following my blog, you may be aware that there is a part I to this For the Record: Blog Feature Post of Monika: The lady that handles it all. I wanted to shine the spotlight on this lady because she makes life appear effortless and in our journey to be effortless women, it is imperative that we learn how other women make their lives easy and most importantly enjoy it! Here is part II of the Interview:

 “This lifestyle affects my family in a very positive way.  We are all very united in this common goal of healthy living.  We enjoy it very much.  The children help me to cook; they enjoy exercise and outdoors.  We even get to workout together at times.  Overall the illnesses that typically happen every winter do not affect us as much.  We are not immune, it just happens less than average.  We are a much happier family since the choice to live healthier was made. “ (My thoughts: hmmm, there’s something really important about how health leads to an overall happier and effortless life.)

I asked her what her inspiration was behind starting her fitness/health blog and program. She responded by saying, “The inspiration behind MoFit...hmmm.  Good question!  I am just doing the best that I can to live in the will that God intended for me.  He revealed this lifestyle to me some time ago, and equipped my with the talents and resources needed to live this thing out.  So who am I to disobey Him?  I love people, and I love helping and serving others in this capacity.  I love living a healthy lifestyle and teaching others about simple choices that have increased my overall quality of life.  I am also a very big dreamer, and quite ambitious!  I am definitely trying to take this brand mainstream!  I believe it has a message and a purpose for this world.  Nothing makes me feel stronger, sexier, smarter, or more confident that choosing to live healthy. “

Talk about an inspirational woman. I’m really happy that Monika fount the time to respond to my questions. I hope we are able to find some take away points that we can find useful in our lives that not only motivate and encourage us as women but allow us to use that strength within us to achieve all that we can. Afterall, we “can do all things through Christ which strengthens” us. Phillipians 4:13.
Me, LaLaSpeakz & MoFit. 

Once again, here is her contact information. Monika’s  Email:, or you can send her a message on facebook. Thanks for reading! MuAh & CiAo!

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