Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Guest Post - Joseph Miller of Organic Theory Chicago

Funny, I never really sit down long enough to really consider things to "blog" about in terms of all things health and fitness, however those that know me personally know that I could banter on for days about it. This bantering recently lead me to this post; during a conversation with a relative of mine I gave a bit of advice that I think is blog worthy. So often we fall into fad diets and fitness trends, ie..do 9,000 workouts in 7 days and win a free t-shirt (or at least that's how it feels) so often that we soon forget the basics. Below I've included 3 of the most basic and realistic tips that are so easy to follow that it should be illegal..in most 1st world countries of course.

#1. Trash your microwave! I'll admit it I stumbled on to this one by coincidence, I moved recently and my microwave is in storage, needless to say I wasn't going to sift through all of my belongings to get to my microwave so you guessed it, Joe went manual..which means actually COOKING what I eat, not nuking it. Microwaves let off free radicals and allow BPA to escape from plastic containers and those O so lovely leftover Styrofoam carrier things. Also microwave "friendly" meals are usually bogged down with unhealthy ingredients and toxic preservatives. Need I say more?

 #2. Cook at least one meal per day. Dedicate a little bit of time to making at least one meal per day and you will thank yourself later. I honestly couldn't care less what studies say, I will tell you from experience that this method really influenced me to cook more (healthy) meals from scratch. It's simple, you can even start off with something as simple as steel cut oatmeal; super easy to make and prep time is like 7 minutes!


#3. Purchase a piece of functional equipment. When was the last time you laid down on the ground and got back up, or dare I say hip hinged (that thing you do in the bedroom doesn't count btw). FACT: you want to know how does functional training make that stubborn belly fat go away or how does it make those jiggly things on your arm stop jiggling?? Well the fact is maybe, just maybe you may end up getting out of the bed eventually without pain in that one place, or likely improving your posture and building confidence that will be NOTICEABLE, confidence that will lead to you going that extra mile (no pun intended) and putting an end to that excess body fat and building lean muscle. So blow the dust off of that BOSU ball that you have put away underneath the bed, you've got work to do.


Let Joe know that you saw his information on my blog. Thanks for the post friend!

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