Wednesday, February 10, 2016

A New Year With New Beginnings.

2016 Here I Come!

I really can't believe I'm back to writing posts on my blog. Who woulda thunk it! LOL.

You wouldn't believe all the things I've done to my hair since my last post, which I see was just about a year ago. Life has literally taken me for a twirl, but it's good to be back.
I would like to revamp the content of my blog and expand it to a lifestyle blog where I can share my inner most thoughts and attitudes about life in general and living in this world as a natural black professional woman.

I am so excited to me back! Can't wait to share more with you. MuAh & CiAo!

@LWCounsels on Twitter
Livlyhood Naturalista on Facebook 
(will be changing my name on fb soon though)

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