Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Blended Families

So apparently this is a hot my family is blended, who else would be appropriate to discuss this topic but me. First off, having a blended family is not for the faint at heart. It takes prayer (I'm a praying woman) and it also takes persistent and being grounded as a couple.

I was watching Steve Harvey the other day and saw a a segment on blended families. In an attempt to find that video segment, I found this YouTube video with Steve Harvey and two couple who have blended families. The thoughts were so different, but so informative and key to what I experience in my home.

As I am the step parent in my family, I won't share details of the case, but there are plenty of challenges especially when biological parents are not on the same page. From my experience, each home will have different rules and no one person can control the matter. What's important is the child or children that are being caught between the issues. In my home, where my husband is the head, we remain consistent with each other across the board and that is such a HUGE help especially when I need to parent.

I'm definitely willing to answer questions that you may have about blended families as much as I can as I have worked with children and families just about every day of my life, lol. In all seriousness, are there some things you would like to know before you enter a relationship with someone who has a child? Feel free to ask and if you would like me to share your question, I can do so anonymously of course.

MuAh & CiAo!

Follow ME +Lofanaturalista on Google Plus and @lofanaturalista at IG.

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