Tuesday, November 01, 2016


There are things that feel sooooo good, it's hard to describe because amazing isn't good enough...or saying that the release or relief found or achieved just isn't a good description. If you have a better way to describe these feelings, do share. Inquiring minds would love to know.

So, in no particular order, here they are:

1. Water after being parched

2. Taking off your wig/Or taking out some hair pins or braids

3. Using the restroom after you have been holding it in for an EXTREMELY long time- oh the joy of release!

4. Floating in a pool or an ocean

5. Taking off heels after a long day at the office/ Taking off your bra after wearing it all day. (for women only...or not- I don't judge)

6. Cuddling up in warm blankets on a cold day

7. Eating after fasting or when famished

8. Eating Cold Stone Ice cream (This is for me only- forget y'all! i love it, HMPH!)

9. An orgasm

10. Getting your hair washed/ or getting a massage or facial

I honestly exhaled dramatically just imagining doing any of these things above. I got a facial today and it was SOOO relaxing. Thank you to the ladies at Oasis Spa in Columbia, MD. I feel so great now! (Although she called me low maintenance because I had not had a facial in 3 yrs - lol, but don't judge me) I use home remedies for my face or my girlfriend's facial scrub - But that's another blog post.

Oh! Speaking of wigs, I'm in the process of searching for a wig. I'm at the final stages, but I will most definitely share in a later post my reason for the search and what I have been able to find. Of course if you have any suggestions, please let me know!

Follow me +Lofanaturalista on Google Plus and @lofanaturalista on Insta
MuAh & CiAo! 

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