Monday, November 07, 2016

The Science of Hair Shedding - Part 2

We started with the following myths:

I did my research - from Pinterest and other bloggers to actual scientific articles (you know people who have actually studied hair loss for a living)

My findings were vast, but in a snapshot, these were my findings:

1. Hair does typically shed 50-100 strands a day! Myth was right

2. Hair loss is different than shedding. Things like:
  • Hairstyles that pull on your hair ( which may be why I had so much loss - because my hair was not split or broken off in that sense, these hair strands were long hair strands)
  • Pulling out hair (yes, people do this for various reasons, but it happens)
  • Harsh chemical products on hair (hair color can lead to hair loss, not necessarily hair shedding) - so Myth has been somewhat debunked, I would say.
3. Shedding can be caused by several different reasons to include the following
  • Stress ( Divorce, loss of family member, loss of job, etc.)
  • Medical treatment (Chemotherapy, Radiation)
  • High Fever, Recovering from an illness
  • Giving Birth (approx. 2-4 months shedding really becomes evident)
  • Weight Loss of approx. 20lbs or more
3. Therefore, if protective styles like braids, etc. pull on the hair strand, shedding will exist and/or break - Myth was right

Not to necessarily tie these two blog topics together, but in my search for wigs/hair units, I'm becoming more aware of how a unit can affect one's edges especially if hair is left out. There is breaking and shedding even in the area where the wig combs are being fastened at the nape of the neck and the edges by the ear, etc.

Mind your edges ladies! And hopefully within the next few weeks I can decrease my hair shedding. I actually have found ways to decrease shedding and I'm trying it out; Though I think I may be experiencing hair loss and not shedding - so stay tuned for that post to come as well as debunking the other myths shown above.

Until then, live on purpose! MuAh & CiAo! Follow me +Lofanaturalista & IG: lofanaturalista

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