Wednesday, December 07, 2016

LATE POST - Public Restrooms

As a professional busy with life, there are instances where public restrooms may be needed. In case you missed this public service announcement, WASH YOUR HANDS!

I attended this training in PA recently and in between the farts and flushes, I noticed a couple people leave without washing their hands. So, if I don't shake your hand ma'am, I am well within my rights to do so. You are probably a cool person but the OCD in me, WILL NOT TOUCH YOU...or eat food from you...

And that's another thing! Potlucks at work are cool, but do we really know the state of your home or your process to prepping food. I know food prep is also different across cultures to, but sliding chicken out the package with no kinds of cleaning and prep, or using soap to wash meat ( pls don't do this folks; why is this a thing?!) concerns me.

But that is all for my soap box today. Back to my wig unit and shedding research. MuAh & CiAo! Follow me on Instagram at @Lofanaturalista And Google Plus at +Lofanaturalista 

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