Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Body Essentials - Exercising/ Eating Disorders

So I didn't work out at all last week and the week before that I worked out twice...the goal is to workout at least 2 times a week but if I miss any days I should make it up the following week. -____- Has not been working out that way at all. Why is it that I'm not as disciplined as I would like to be with exercising? IDK...but I realized that since I haven't been working out as I should I therefore need to punish myself with my diet...in that those extra snicker bars and icecream and all the other things I love to eat that I should eat in moderation need to be eaten in moderation again since I'm not exercising to counteract the added calories and fat intake.

Sucks for me, but don't let this happen to you. (I sent this pic to a friend when I sd I felt stuffed)

I literally felt the way this guy looked. I often find myself overeating and that is not good either. Now that all my cards are out on the table, I'm going to work on cutting down the overeating factor... And also eating 2-4 hrs before bed vs eating my regular bowl of cereal right before I go to bed. SMH, not healthy at all.

Having an eating disorder is also not great, hence the combination of eating healthy and exercising to increase metabolism and reduce fat. From Bulimia Nervosa to Anorexia Nervosa to Overeating Disorder

Bulimia Nervosa - http://www.womenshealth.gov/publications/our-publications/fact-sheet/bulimia-nervosa.cfm

Anorexia Nervosa - http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/anorexia-nervosa-000012.htm

Overeating Disorder - Check this out if you or someone you know may be suffering with overeating disorder http://www.oa.org/

Hope this information was helpful! Well, CiAo and MuAh! I'm gonna work out tonight...for real this time! lol

1 comment:

  1. Sooo, i worked out last night. Yayyyy! I'm so glad I did too because I love how I feel after I workout. I'm energized, I don't feel guilty for eating all the bad ish and it's just a great feeling. Are there any particular exercise regimens that people do...anything in particular for reducing belly fat? Anyhoo, live on purpose people! MuAh & CiAo!
